Development is an endogenous process! Tidiane Kassé (Pambazuka)

To fight poverty and inequality, the United Nations are preparing to endorse a new development agenda in September: The Sustainable Development Goals, which will paradigmatically determine the approach taken by the "development industry" in the coming years. But what should be included in them, what its implementation will mean and what mistakes of the Millennium Development Goals should not be in any case repeated?nTo answer this question from an African perspective, the Pan-African online newspaper Pambazuka in cooperation with AfricAvenir has published a newsletter which thematically covers everything from health issues to regional cooperation.nThe chief editor of the French edition of Pambazuka, Tidiane Kassé, makes strong statements in this interview – because at the UN summit in September, "Africa must make its voices heard."


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nMouhamadou Tidiane Kassé has been a journalist for more than 30 years. He has always worked in the private media sector, participating in the launch of the two largest newspaper groups in Senegal in the 1980s and 1990s: the Walfadjri Group and the Sud Communication Group. He also worked as Program Officer at Panos Institute West Africa and led the Media Pluralism in West Africa Program. As a member of the Communication Commission of the African Social Forum and the World Social Forum, Tidiane Kassé participated in all Social Forums held in Africa, Brazil, and India between 2003 and 2011. He teaches journalism in Dakar and works as a media consultant. Since 2007, he has been cooperating with Fahamu, a Pan-African NGO as a chief editor of the weekly Pambazuka online newsletter and since 2011 also as the director of the West African office of Fahamu.nThis interview was recorded as part of the project "Post 2015 – Everything better? African Perspectives on Global Challenges!", organized by AfricAvenir e.V. in 2014/2015.nWith the friendly support from the Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit and Engagement Global.


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