Chika Ezeanya’s lecture on “Post-2015: Creating a Pathway for Africa’s Advancement? Political visions from an African perspective” – presentation and additional information

In this presentation, Dr. Chika Ezeanya examines the MGDs’ shortcomings one year before their phasing out and presents her vision for the post-2015 development agenda for Africa. She argues for a sustainable development grounded in indigenous knowledge and local resources while refusing to let Africa’s development depend exclusively on external financial aid. nread the full presentation (pdf)

Dr. Chika Ezeanya is a researcher at the University of Rwanda, a fiction and non-fiction writer, a consultant and an essayist. She holds a Ph.D. in African Development and Policy Studies from Howard University in Washington D.C. and a Masters in International Relations from the University of Warwick in Coventry, England.

Dr. Chika Ezeanya’s lecture “Post-2015: Creating a Pathway for Africa’s Advancement? Political visions from an African perspective” was part of the project “African Perspectives on Global Challenges in the Context of the Post-2015 Agenda Process,” which is implemented by AfricAvenir e.V. in 2014/2015.

Visit the project website here.
With the friendly support from the Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (LEZ) and Engagement Global.


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