Public Protest for the Restitution of looted Human Remains, Friday, 21 March 2014, 11h, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz

The state-owned Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation detains thousands of human remains from all over the world. They were shipped over here during the colonial era for racist research.

On the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, we protest against the planned transfer of these human remains to  other institutions that aspire to use them again for questionable research. We ask the German government to accept its full historical responsibility for colonial crimes and racist science in the interest of the German state and to initiate dialogues about the restitution of these human remains with the countries and communities of origin.

The dead are no Prussian cultural heritage!

Meeting point
:  Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, Von-der-Heydt-Straße 16-18, Berlin

Time: Friday, 21 March 2014 at 11


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