Statement of The VOICE Refugee Forum Bavaria: In solidarity with protest march from Munich to Nuremberg in 2016

In solidarity with the 14 days of protest march from Munich to Nuremberg 2016: Refugees from The VOICE Refugee Forum (network) join in Landshut on 11th October 2016The VOICE Refugee Forum (Bavaria)activists joined refugee protest in Munich on 07.10 before the start of the protest marsh to Nuremberg.n
March starts on 8th October in Munich to end on 21st October in Nuremberg.n
The protest march is aimed to mobilize and organize against the delay and refusal of Refugee Application for protection by the Federal office for Migration – (Bundesamt für Migration) and Refugee Asylum in Nueremberg.n
Yet, instead of being given the necessary therapeutic and other necessary support, we are discriminated against, subjected to various forms of psychological and physical torture, and expected to gratefully accept our unspoken label of subhuman – „Untermensch“ in the name of refugees. Maybe because, here we do not have bombs raining on us anymore. We are here because western leaders and their countries destroyed our lands. They make our lands their colonies and captured our freedom, our life resources. We are here because of war inside our lands and our lives and homes have been demolished. We are here because our political and economic systems are corrupt and supported by the
We demand for unconditional Residence – Stop all deportations – For Freedom of Movement!!! nnmore information


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