German Premiere: Storming Papa Doc – The Siege of Haiti’s Casernes Dessalines by Alix Pasquet on July 28 1958 (English movie), in presence of the director Mario Delatour, Tuesday, 3 June 2014, 8 pm, Hackesche Höfe cinema

With Haitian director Mario Delatour in attendance AfricAvenir, the Embassy of the Republic of Haiti, Art Labour Archives and the Center for Research and Documentation Chile-Latin America e.V. (FDCL ) invite you to the German premiere of the beautifully illustrated and animated historic documentary “Storming Papa Doc – The Siege of Haiti’s Casernes Dessalines by Alix Pasquet on July 28 1958“ on Tuesday, 3 June 2014, at 8 pm, at Hackesche Höfe Kino. On 28 July 1958, coming from Florida a group of former Haitian military officers landed in Délugé, in the north of Haiti’s capital. In no time they conquer the “Dessaline barracks” located behind the National Palace. Their plan: overthrowing President, Dr. Francoise Duvalier elected a year ago. The group includes former Lieutenants Alix “Sonson” Pasquet, Henri “Riquet” Perpignan and Phillipe “Fito” Dominique accompanied by five American soldiers of fortune. A fierce battle between Duvalier and his attackers is waged, which in the end is won by Duvalier. The night of 28th to 29th of June 1958 will significantly shape Haiti’s political history as 29 years of brutal and repressive Duvalier dictatorship follow.

The movie tries to reconstruct the so-called “Sheriff Invasion” with archival footage, interviews and specially made, great illustrations and animations and thereby, illuminates a so-far little known but central event in the recent history of Haiti.

“The movie invokes a multitude of questions regarding Pasquet’s attempted coup which takes place at a time when Duvalier starts showing his claws. Immediately after the invasion Duvalier openly establishes his infamous militias, the „Tontons Macoutes“, before declaring himself President for life shortly after (…) A must-see movie.” Alterpress

The screening will be followed by a discussion with director Mario Delatour as well as small reception in the cinema foyer.

In cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Haiti, Art Labour Archives and The Center for Research and Documentation Chile-Latin America e.V. (FDCL). nMedia Partners: Africiné, SEV-Magazin, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Club der Freunde von RFI, Berlin Poche,, Exberliner, radio, Planète Métis, ISD, Berlinda, AfroHeat, Contemporary&, Humboldt University, Lateinamerika Forum.n


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Born 1955 in Caracas, Venezuela and son of Haitian emigrants, Delatour grew up in Haiti and later in New York. He first studied film at the Colombia School of Motion Pictures Film and later Latin American Studies at the UCLA. He then worked for foreign production companies in over 15 countries with renowned directors like Lars von Tier, Wes Craven or Raoul Peck. 2001 Delatour returned to Haiti to set up his own production company „Amistad Films“. 2002 he produced the documentary “40 ans après… Roussan Camille“, the portrait of an important Haitian poet, who remains little known in Haiti itself. Followed by “Un certain bord de mer“ about 100 years of Arab migration to Haiti, then “Haïti aujourd’hui : Violence ou la Paix ?“. And after the earthquake of January 2010, Delatour produces the movie “35 longues secondes“.

Storming Papa Doc – The Siege of Haiti’s Casernes Dessalines by Alix Pasquet on July 28 1958 (English movie)
Haïti, 2013, D: Mario Delatour, Cut: Carl Lafontant, Zeichnungen: Pierre Chevelain, Animations: James Basile. Engl. Version

Tuesday, 3 June 2014
8 pm
Admission: 7,50€
Reduced: Berlinpass, collective tickets for 5 or 10 visits can be used by two,
Gildepass, Heavy User Card

Hackesche Höfe Cinema
Rosenthaler Str. 40/41
10178 Berlin
S Hackescher Markt
U Weinmeisterstraße

Tickets and information
030 283 46 03


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