AfrikAkzent-Radio Feature about the AfricAvenir-Conference „The Post-2015-Agenda – African Perspectives on global Challenges“

Listen to the AfrikAkzent radio programme broadcast on December 11, 2014 about the conference, includind interviews with conference speakers Boniface Mabanza and Chika Ezeanya. nListen to the full Radio InterviewsnDr. Boniface Mabanza, chairperson of the Church Work on Southern Africa (KASA) in Heidelberg and long-time observer of global development cooperation, talks about the disguising function of  development cooperation, points out his vision for African societies and explains why development can never be induced from the outside (32:00-43:20).nDr. Chika Ezeanya, political scientist at the University of Rwanda, author, blogger and consultant, provides her vision of an authentic, independent development of postcolonial African societies and names examples for the use of indigenous knowledge systems which function independently from the „western” development paradigm (from 45:10).nThe project "African Perspectives on Global Challenges in the Context of the Post-2015 Agenda Process" takes place thanks to the friendly support of the Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (LEZ) and Engagement Global.


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