An Alternative Global Economic Order: Can it ever be achieved?
Published on August 5, 2015 by Tafadzwa Muropa on femnet.wordpress.com. As a member of FEMNET, Tafadzwa Muropa participated in the Global Women’s Forum and Global CSO Forum from the 10th-12th of July 2015, in Addis Ababa in order to consolidate the women’s position and CSO position before the official FFD conference was to be held.…
Finance Her Future: Gender Responsive Budgeting
Published on August 4, 2015 by Nyaguthii Wangui Maina on femnet.wordpress.com. During the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, the need for gender responsive tax and budgeting were being discussed, as well as the fact that more money is required for women’s mobilization groups, especially those working at the grassroots level. However, what is…
Have Germans Finally Acknowledged Their Extermination Wars Against The Herero, Nama, San And Damara As Genocide?
For a long time, successive German governments have sought to avoid taking responsibility for the genocide of the Herero and Nama of South-West Africa, now Namibia, in 1904-1908. We have in previous articles examined the various untenable arguments that were advanced by German governments to reject this historic cruelty and responsibility. (1)nThe attempt to deny…
Women’s Forum: Feminist Perspectives on the Third International Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa
Published on July 29, 2015 by Nyaguthii Wangui Maina on https://femnet.wordpress.com.n"After all is said and done and there is sufficient mobilisation of resources, how will these resources be used to enhance gender equality? What does the governance architecture look like? How will we consistently and persistently mobilise ourselves to ensure that women’s rights are at the…
Studie belegt: Arm finanziert Reich..
Studie "The State of Finance for Developing Countries, 2014" von Eurodad.
FFD 3 Outcome: Fishing for crumbs of hope in a sea of lost ambition
"On July 16th, governments adopted the Outcome of the Third Conference on Financing for Development, held in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), called the “Action Ababa Action Agenda” (AAAA or the “Outcome”). In a collective and sharp statement in response, civil society said that the conference “lost the opportunity to tackle the structural injustices in the current…
Odomaro Mubangizi – Financing for development: A Pan-African perspective
Abstract: This year is the deadline for MDGs, and the global community is set to come up with new set of development goals SGs in September at UN summit in New York. The Addis Ababa 3rd International Conference on Finance for Development held last week laid a foundation for further conversation on how to end extreme…
Kommentar UN-Entwicklungsgipfel: Durchmarsch der reichen Länder
"Der Westen hat in Addis Abeba kompromisslos auf dem ökonomischen und finanzpolitischen Status Quo beharrt. Das ist der Weg in den Abgrund." Die Tageszeitung berichtet über die enttäuschenden Ergebnissen der UN-Konferenz zur Entwicklungsfinanzierung, die von 20. bis 23 Juli 2015 in Addis Abeba stattgefunden hat. Mehr hier.nMehr Informationen zur Post-2015 Agenda, hier.
Der 3. Entwicklungsfinanzierungsgipfel (FfD 3) in Addis Abeba
Enttäuschung bis zu verhaltenem Optimismus – die Verhandlungen in Addis Abeba haben Befürchtungen leider nicht ausräumen können, das Abschlussdokument, die Addis Abeba Action Agenda vom 15. Juli 2015, greift in vielerlei Hinsicht zu kurz:n"The Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) lost the opportunity to tackle the structural injustices in the current global economic system and ensure that development…
Assassinat de Thomas Sankara : le président de l’Assemblée nationale française, Claude Bartolone, s’oppose à l’ouverture d’une commission d’enquête parlementaire
Deux membres du réseau « Justice pour Sankara justice pour l’Afrique » ont transmis à Claude Bartolone, ainsi qu’à tous les députés de l’Assemblée nationale, deux courriers, datés respectivement du 30 avril et du 5 mai 2015, l’un émanant de 25 députés du Conseil national de Transition du Burkina Faso, l’autre du chef du groupe…