CODESRIA Donation to the Cheikh Anta Diop Library

The the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa which is headquartered in Dakar Senegal kindly donated some of the back issues of its Bulletin to the AfricAvenir Cheikh Anta Diop Library.These are now available at the Cheikh Anta Diop Library in Bonabéri, Douala.nDonation: n

  • CODESRIA. Africa Review of Books, Vol. 1, No. 1, Octobre 2004.
  • CODESRIA. Africa Review of Books/Revue Africaine des Livres, Vol. 2, No. 1, Mars 2006.
  • CODESRIA. Africa Review of Books/Revue Africaine des Livres, Vol. 2, No. 2, Septembre 2006.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 2, 1991.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 1, 1993.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 2, 1994.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 4, 1995.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 2, 1996.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 4, 1997.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 2, 1998.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 1/2, 1999.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 3/4, 1999.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 1, 2000.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 2/3/4, 2000.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 1/2, 2002.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 3/4, 2002.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 1, 2003.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 2/3/4, 2003.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 1/2, 2004.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 3/4, 2004.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 3/4 11ème Assemblée Générale du CODESRIA: Repenser le développement africain au del? de l’impasse, les alternatives, 2005.
  • CODESRIA, Bulletin du CODESRIA, no. 1/2 Special Issue: The African Woman/La femme africaine, 2006.
  • CODESRIA, 11th General Assembly: Rethinking African Development, 6-10 December 2005.



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