African Perspectives Windhoek: “Sia – The Dream of the Python”

On Saturday, 26th of September 2009 at 7 p.m. AfricAvenir and Studio 77 will be presenting the feature film "Sia – The Dream of the Python" by burkinese filmmaker Dani Kouyaté at Studio 77, Entrance: 10,- N$.

Koumbi is a poverty-stricken city ruled by an emperor, the master of the universe. To bring back prosperity the priests of the emperor must perform the customary human sacrifice in which the people have no faith.
Sia is designated for the sacrifice. She is, however, engaged to Mamadi, a valiant army lieutenant who learning of this, rebels and saves her from the sacrifice.nThe power changes hands, though the lies that sustain it remain. Sia is aware of this, she who has been raped by priests, and adopts the words of Kerfa, an old fool who is wise and subversive.nUnexpectedly, instead of wearing the imperial crown offered by her fiance Mamadi, the new master of the city, she takes to the road as Kerfa had done before her, to spread the words of peace and justice.nThe words bring forth a kind of anathema on the city and its residents who haven’t been able to learn from history.

The film «Sia le rêve du python» is a cinematic adaptation of the legend of Wagadu (a 7th century myth of the Soninke people), inspired by the play «La légende du Wagadu vue par Sia Yatabéré» (The legend of Wagadu as seen by Sia Yatabéré) by the Mauritanian playwright Moussa Diagana.nThe film is a political and contemporary approach to the Myth, a reflexion on the use of mysticism by people in power.nThe project was received as a prime exemple of artistic integration in West Africa. Indeed the film was inspired by the work of a Mauritanian playwright who contributed largely to the development to the cinematic adaptation.


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