BE.BOP 2013: Screening of the Short Films Selection “Rain Queens – Diaspora Filmmakers on Top” by Jeannette Ehlers, Ingrid Mwangi/Robert Hutter, Raúl Moarquech Ferrera Balanquet, Pascale Obolo, SUN, 19 May 2013, 10h30, Hackesche Höfe Kino

On Sunday, 19 May 2013 at 10h30, AfricAvenir, Art Labour Archives and Ballhaus Naunynstr. invite you to the screening of the short selection “Rain Queens – Diaspora Filmmakers on Top”. From abstract depictions of revolutionary struggle and civil disobedience to re-enactments of diasporic queer ancestral legacies, this session offers an insight into the radical imagination of current artistic practices. The influence of Black Power aesthetics permeates these works in totally unpredictable manners. The screenings will be followed by a discussion moderated by Quinsy Gario.nJeannette Ehlers
Off The Pig | 2012 | 05:03 min
The March | 2012 | 4:40 min
Black Bullets | 2012 | 4:33 min

Haiti, then called Saint Domingue, was the first Black republic to gain independence in 1804. The Haitian Revolution started with a Vodoun ceremony and the sacrifice of a pig. In Off the Pig, Ehlers uses the symbolic interconnection between the Black Panthers’ depiction of oppression through the figure of the pig (as can be seen in the work of Emory Douglas), to honor liberation struggles and victories like the Haitian Revolution. nIngrid Mwangi Robert Hutter, Generationzzzzz, 2012, 04:33
In this piece, the artist addresses noise and silencing in a poetic performance in the middle of a busy street corner in Nairobi. The futility of political activism in the face of public disregard is portrayed with a quiet unpretending stance. This action mirrors the atmosphere of the 1960s and the Panthers in particular, in a totally unpredictable manner.nRaúl Moarquech Ferrera Balanquet, Mariposa Ancestral Memory, 2013, 10 min
Mariposa Ancestral Memory is an experimental narrative that connects many themes and historical incidents related to the African Diaspora. Reflected upon are homophobia, racism, Maya and Afro Caribbean queer spirituality, the African-Caribbean writings of Vèvé, Anafourana and Kongo, the US Latina/o migration, the Atlantic Enslavement Trade, the Mariel Exodus, the imprisonment of Angela Davis in the1970s and the Black Panthers Party. nPascale Obolo, Invisible Woman, 2008, 6 min
Invisible Woman is in dialogue with Ralph Elisson’s novel The Invisible Man, and portrays the search of a Black woman in Paris, questioning her identity and her place in French society to the point of madness. Her presence is configured through film posters hung up in the city. nShort Film Selection “Rain Queens”
Day Ticket: 16 €
Single Ticket for each of the 4 Sessions/Films: 7,50 €

Discount via Berlinpass, Gildepass, Heavy User Card, Filmreihe-Pass (Further information:

Tickets and Information
030 283 46 03 

Hackesche Höfe Kino
Rosenthaler Str. 40/41
10178 Berlin
S Hackescher Markt
U Weinmeisterstraße nThis screening is part of
May 19, 2013, 10 am – 8 pm Screenings
Hackesche Höfe Kino in cooperation with AfricAvenirnMay 20-21Ballhaus NaunynstraßeNaunynstrße 27
Berlin Kreuzbergn10 am – 5 pm Roundtable
Free and open to the public
May 20-22n8 – 10 pm Performances
14/8 €
Jeannette Ehlers, Teresa María Díaz Nerio, Quinsy Gario + Muna Shirwa, Raúl Moarquech Ferrera Balanquet and Ingrid Mwangi Robert HutternArtwell Cain (Netherlands+St. Vincent) + Vaginal Davis (Germany+USA) + Teresa María Díaz Nerio (Netherlands+Dominican Republic) + Gabriele Dietze (Germany) + Simmi Dullay (South Africa+Denmark) + Moritz Ege (Germany) + Jeannette Ehlers (Denmark+Trinidad) + Jihan El Tahri (Egypt+South Africa+France) + Cecilia Gärding (Sweden+South Africa) + Quinsy Gario (Netherlands+Curazao) + Adler Guerrier (USA+Haiti) + Neil Kenlock (England + Jamaica) + Grada Kilomba (São Tomé e Príncipe+Germany+Portugal) + Adetoun Küppers-Adebisi (Germany+Nigeria) + Raúl Moarquech Ferrera Balanquet (Cuba+Mexico+USA) + Karen McKinnon (England + USA) + Mekonnen Mesghena (Germany + Ethiopia) + Dannys Montes de Oca (Cuba) + Ingrid Mwangi Robert Hutter (Germany+Kenya) + Pascale Obolo (France+Cameroon) + Horace Ové (England+Trinidad) + Muna Shirwa (Netherlands+ Somalia) + Robbie Shilliam (England) + Ovidiu Tichindeleanu (Rumania) + Caecilia Tripp (France+Germany) + Rolando Vázquez (Netherlands+Mexico)n


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