Breaking Film-News: Gaston Kaboré announces shooting of sequel to Wend Kuuni and Buud Yam for 2012

Gaston Kabore, acclaimed filmmaker, former decade long director of national cinematography of Burkina Faso as well as secretary general of the Pan-African Federation of Filmmakers (FEPACI) from 1985 to 1997, revealed at todays Master Class during the Talent Campus Durban, that he will shot the sequel to his two award winning films Wend Kuuni (1992) and the follow-up film Buud Yam (1997).

In 1997, 15 years after completing Wend Kuuni, Kabore shot Buud Yam as a sequel and the African film world had been waiting in excitement, when and if Kabore would ever make a third film, making it a trilogy. During a master class of the Talent Campus Durban at the Durban International Film Festival today, Kabore announced he is currently writing the script for the third part and he will start shooting in 2012.


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