Call for Submissions: Luxor African Film Festival, First Edition February 2012 – Deadline: December 15, 2011

The political conditions experienced by Egypt during the four decades preceding the revolution of January 25 removed Egypt from its strategic African depth on all levels – cultural, economic and social for different reasons. After the revolution, the space was open again and each responsible individual felt they can really make a difference and turn their ideas into a reality. From here, Script writer, Sayed Fouad, thought of implementing the project that has been haunting him for years – An Annual African Film Festival in Egypt to establish the African links.

Independent Shabab Foundation (I-Shabab), an Egyptian non governmental, and non-profit organization, was selected to run the festival due to its belief in the importance of "Luxor African Film Festival" in linking up and networking with others in general and with Africa in particular.nThe team thought of Luxor to encourage decentralization of cultural events to move a bit away from Cairo and Alexandria, which are piling up with different festivals, and finally, to contribute to the promotion of tourism to the city of Luxor at this critical time that Egypt’s experiencing after revolution.nThe festival has given itself the mission, to support and encourage African film productions and partnerships between the countries of the continent through strengthening the humanitarian and political ties between the peoples of Africa in general and African artists in particular.

AfricAvenir International, Arterial Network, Independent Shabab Foundation, the Egyptian Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Information, Ministry of Civil Aviation, the Luxor Governate, the Syndicate of Egyptian Filmmakers, and Nile Thematic TV Channels have been won as official partners and sponsors.

Dear African filmmakers, dear producers, dear distributors,

Please find for download:n|+| The Conditions & Criteria including the Submission Forms

If you have further questions, please dont hesitate to contact:
Azza El Hosseiny
Executive Director
Luxor African Film Festival moc.oohay@babahstnednepedni  moc.liamg@ffaroxulSince the website is underconstruction, at a later stage also:moc.ffaroxul@yniessohle.azzA 
33 Haroun st., Dokki,Cairo

Wishing for a lot of new and brilliant films from all of Africa and the diaspora to be entered and selected,

considering moc.ffaroxul@yniessohle.azza it will be activated after a while and i will inform you when that happens.

Yours in Film,


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