Film: Retour à Gorée

Der Film "Retour à Gorée" ist ein musikalisches Road-Movie über die Reise Youssou N’Dours auf den Spuren der aus Afrika verschleppten Sklaven und ihrer musikalischen Kreativität. Anschließende Diskussion mit Prof. Babacar Sall, Universität Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar. Eintritt: 5 € / erm. 3 €. nMi, 26. November 2008, 20:00, Saal
Retour ? Gorée (OmenglU)
Schweiz 2008, 110 Min., Regie: Pierre-Yves Borgeaud
Eintritt: 5 € / erm. 3 €.
Ort: Werkstatt der Kulturen (Wissmannstraße 32, 12049 Berlin), Saal

The musical road movie, Return to Gorée, tells of African singer Youssou N’Dour’s epic journey following the trail left by slaves and by the jazz music they invented. Youssou N’Dour’s challenge is to bring back to Africa a jazz repertoire and to sing those tunes in Goree, the island that today symbolizes the slave trade and stands to commemorate its victims. Guided in his mission by the pianist Moncef Genoud, Youssou N’Dour travels across the United States of America and Europe. Accompanied by some of the world’s most exceptional musicians, they meet peoples and well known figures, and create, through concerts, encounters and debates, music which transcends cultural division.
From Atlanta to New Orleans, from New York to Dakar through Luxemburg the songs are transformed, immersed in jazz and gospel. But the day of their return to Africa is fast approaching and much remains to be done to be ready for the final concert…


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