Interview with Odile Tendeng: ’Mali’s Resource Curse?! – Another conflict about Uranium?’

Within the framework of the project ’Paradoxes of Sustainability’ AfricAvenir hosted a dialogue forum with the peace and conflict researcher Odile Tendeng (Gorée Institute, Dakar) on the topic ’Mali’s Resource Curse?! – Another conflict about Uranium?’ In the subsequent interview Tendeng elaborated on the present situation in Mali and the role of Western interests in resources in this conflict. nnnDuring her stay in Berlin Odile Tendeng also gave an interview to the journal "Neues Deutschland" about the current situation in Mali. Please find the whole article here: project "Paradoxes of Sustainability" is financially supported by BMZ (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) and LEZ (Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit).


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