Press Release: Namibian Movie Collection now available in Berlin

In 2009, the Franco Namibian Cultural Centre, Joe Vision Production, and AfricAvenir Windhoek, launched the Namibian Movie Collection, NMC, consisting initially of 24 Namibian films. The NMC is part of a wider project to promote and develop Namibian film productions. Now, 18 month later, the NMC consist of more than 40 films, available for the Namibian public to be rented out at the Multimedia Library of the FNCC.nFurthermore, the information on the films in collection is available to the international community via the website of |+| AfricAvenir.

Recently the collection has been reproduced for the public library of the Berliner Entwicklungspolitisches Bildungs- und Informationzentrum (EPIZ, Berlin Center for Global Education) in Berlin, Germany, and is now available to the Berlin public for renting out, nThis extension to EPIZ is seen as a necessary step to promote and make accessible Namibian film products to an international audience.

In addition, the three organizers welcomed the succeeding request by the Directorate of Arts of the Namibian Ministry of Youth, National Service, Sports, and Culture, to also make available a copy of the collection to the library of the Directorate of Arts as well as to the Katutura Community and Arts Centre. It is envisioned, that the Directorate will have two set of copies available within the next two weeks.

The three institutions hope, that more Namibian film products will be included in the NMC in the near future. nJoe Vision Production, Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre & AfricAvenir International Windhoek


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