T-Shirts & Watches: What time is it ? It is Sankara time !

The artist Mansour Ciss Kanakassy has developed in cooperation with AfricAvenir a new project for the Laboratoire de Déberlinisation to commemorate the assassination of Thomas Sankara 25 years ago, on the 15th october 1987. The artist dedicates his work to all children born on that very 15th october 1987 in Africa, which means on the day when Sankara has been dastardly assassinated. Kanakassy says: "We want to re-write the latest African history from our perspective for our children. It is not acceptable that our children don’t know anything about their own history."nPart of the colletive Panafrican consciousness for already 25 years… 25 big station clocks – dedicated to Thomas Sankara – will be exhibited all around the world at public places and museums. One clock at the Dakar central station, one clock at the Bamako railway station, one clock in the railway station of Johannesburg. Watches will be put into circulation, in order to sensitize the African youth on what time it is: It’s Sankara time!nBeginning at the 17th october 2012 T-Shirts and watches will be offered in Berlin in cooperation with AfricAvenir. |+| Boutique and more informations here.nBerlin, 20th september 2012nThe artists bring their solution, we don’t want any more development aid that blocks our development. We want to build real infrastructures for the profit of our children.nn<- Back to Sankara-Newsn<- Back to the Sankara Main page


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