Video interview with Chika Ezeanya: “What comes after 2015? Visions from an African perspective”
In this interview, Dr. Chika Ezeanya elaborates on the MDGs’ failure in Africa and shares her vision of a successful post-2015 agenda, especially stressing the need to refrain from a mere financial discussion and underlining that development cannot be imposed from outside. For Ezeanya, people have to change the way they think, and this won’t be accomplished by external financing.nnDr. Chika A. Ezeanya is a researcher, blogger, writer and public intellectual whose works focus on determining appropriate strategies for Africa’s authentic and sustainable advancement, based on indigenous knowledge and home-grown strategies. Chika was part of the UNDP Consultations on a Post-2015 Development Agenda for Africa in Johannesburg in 2013. She is currently engaged at the University of Rwanda.nThe interview was held as part of the project “African Perspectives on Global Challenges in the context of the post-2015 agenda process” conducted by AfricAvenir e.V. in 2014/2015.nSee the project website.nWith the friendly support of the Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (LEZ) and Engagement Global.