Des Africains Américains à nouveau Cameroun à la recherche de leurs racines
La fondation AfricAvenir International à Douala a le plaisir d’informer les journalistes camerounais qu’une délégation de neuf (09) Africains Américains sous la direction de Dr. Muni Lisa Aubray séjournera au Cameroun du 24 au 11 juin 2012 sur invitation de la fondation AfricAvenir International à Douala. Cette délégation est fortement recommandée par les hautes autorités de l’Etat d’Arizona, USA.…
In Cooperation with Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa): „Art in Social Transformation“, 6 June 2012, 6:30 p.m., Werkstatt der Kulturen
On Wednesday, 6th of June 2012, at 6:30 pm the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) invites to a talk on "Art in Social Transformation", which will be chaired by Marie-Hélène Gutberlet (Ph.D. Film Scholar, Writer and Curator) and include Bisi Silva (Founder and Artistic Director of the Center for Contemporary Art Lagos), Patrick Mudekereza (Founder and Artistic Director of Picha ASBL, Lubumbashi), Gió Di Sera (Co-founder of…
Namibian Premiere: „Soul Boy“ by Hawa Essuman (Kenya/Germany, 2010) on Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 7.15 pm, Goethe-Centre Windhoek/NaDS
On Tuesday, 5 June 2012 at 7.15 p.m. AfricAvenir Windhoek and the Goethe-Zentrum Windhoek in cooperation with One Fine Day Films present the Namibian premiere of the film "Soul Boy" by Hawa Essuman (Kenya/Germany, 2010, 60 minutes) at Goethe-Centre Windhoek/NaDS, 1-5 Fidel-Castro St., Free entrance. SynopsisNairobi, Kenya. 14 year-old Abila lives with his parents in Kibera. One morning the teenager discovers his father…
Discussion between Hama Tuma (Ethiopia), Euphrase Kezilahabi (Tanzania) and Maureen Maisha Eggers (Germany/Kenya): „Revolutionizing the Colonial Mind through Politics of Language from the East African Context“ on Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 20h, GLS Sprachenzent
On Tuesday, 5 June 2012 at 20.00 h (please note the time change!) AfricAvenir invites to a Discussion between Ethiopian writer and activist Hama Tuma, Tanzanian writer and philosopher Euphrase Kezilahabi and writer and academic Maureen Maisha Eggers (Germany/Kenya) on “Revolutionizing the Colonial Mind through Politics of Language from the East African Context” at GLS Sprachenzentrum. The main focus of this conversation is on the…
In Cooperation: poesiefestival berlin 2012 – The Nile – Africa’s Lifeblood
The Nile is the lifeblood of Africa. It connects vanished civilisations with teeming modern cities of millions of inhabitants, war-ravaged regions with tourist oases. On Mon. 4 June 2012 at the poesiefestival berlin, some of the most exciting poets from the countries along the Nile will be telling the story of the river at Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg.…
Berlin-Premiere: „Hors la loi – Outside the Law“ von Rachid Bouchareb am Sonntag, 3. Juni 2012 (Achtung Termin geändert!) um 17 Uhr
Anlässlich des Gedenkens an das von den Franzosen in Algerien am 8. Mai 1945 – am Tag des Kriegsendes in Europa! – verübte Massaker von Sétif, laden AfricAvenir und Yedd am Sonntag, 3. Juni 2012 um 17 Uhr ins Hackesche Höfe Kino zur Berlin-Premiere des Meisterwerks von Rachid Bouchareb "Outside the Law" (OmU). Drei algerische Brüder, ein Schicksal: Freiheitskampf! Nach dem Verlust ihres Hauses in…
In Kooperation: SOLIDARISSIMO: Ressourcenparadies Mosambik? Am 29. Mai 2012 um 19 Uhr im Afrikahaus
Am 29. Mai 2012 um 19 Uhr lädt SODI ein zur Diskussionsveranstaltung SOLIDARISSIMO: Ressourcenparadies Mosambik? ins Afrikahaus. Vortragen wird Daniel Ribeiro, Program Officer bei JA!, einer mosambikanischen NGO, die zum Thema Umweltgerechtigkeit arbeitet. Der Kampf um RessourcenOb Ressourcenreichtum Fluch oder Segen ist, wird energisch diskutiert: Tragen Ressourcen zur wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Entwicklung bei? Fördern Rohstoffe Abhängigkeit, Korruption, Umweltzerstörung und soziale…
Learn African Music with the Queen of the Mbira, Stella Rambisai Chiweshe at Global Music Academy (GMA) – Demo-Performance on Tuesday, 29.5.2012
Learning African music in an intimate and encouraging environment was never so easy! The Queen of the Mbira, Stella Rambisai Chiweshe, is now offering mbira classes in the Global Music BoxX (Global Music Academy, bergmannstr. 29, 10961 Berlin). Take this unique opportunity to learn from one of the acknowledged masters of the mbira, Stella Chiweshe, from Zimbabwe. Her…
Namibia Premiere: „The Lion’s Point of View“ by Hip Hop Star Didier Awadi, one day after Africa Day at Studio 77, SAT, 26 May 2012, 19h
A day after Africa Day, on Saturday 26 May 2012 at 19h00, AfricAvenir presents the Namibian premiere of the panafricanist documentary film "Lions Point of View" by senegalese HipHop star Didier Awadi (2011, Original with English subtitles) at Studio 77, Old Breweries Complex, entrance Garten Street, Entrance: 30,-N$. As with rapping, Awadi sees making films as an act of speaking out militantly and…
Première Camerounaise: „L’Absence“ de Mama Keita à Bonaberi le 26. mai 2012 à 18.30h, Fondation AfricAvenir
Ce Samedi 26 Mai 2012 à 18h30, la fondation AfricAvenir International à Douala vous convie à la première camerounaise du film « L’Absence » de Mama Keita. Après de brillantes études effectuées en France et une absence d’une quinzaine d‘années, Adama, jeune polytechnicien, revient précipitamment dans son pays natal, le Sénégal. Il est alarmé par un télégramme…