Namibian Premiere: „Satin Rouge“ By Raja Amari (Tunisia), on Tuesday, 22. May 2012 (DATE CHANGED!), 18.30h, FNCC
Due to technical problems last Wednesday, the screening has been postponed! On Tuesday, 22 May 2012 at 18.30h AfricAvenir & Franco Namibian Cultural Centre present the Namibian premiere of the Tunesian film "Satin Rouge" by Director-Screenwriter Raja Amari (Tunisia 2002 | 91min). Lilia is a still-attractive widow with a teenage daughter, Salma. Lilia lives a rather sad existence, obsessively cleaning her house,…
Ismailia International Festival for Documentary and Short Films announces appointment of new jury president
June 20, 2012. The Ismailia International Festival for Documentary and Short Films announced yesterday, that it had changed the setup of the international jury. President of the international jury will now be cineast Hans-Christian Mahnke, replacing Ally Derks, IDFA director, who had to cancel her attendance due to unforeseen circumstances.nBorn 1978, German-American national Hans-Christian Mahnke is…
Pr Issa N’Diaye: Mali – une ‘démocratie’ contre le peuple !
La chute brutale de ATT a mis à nu les fondements pourris de la démocratie malienne tant chantée à l’extérieur. Les populations maliennes l’avaient compris il y a belle lurette. En témoignent les taux de participation qui dégringolaient d’élection en élection. De 1991 à nos jours, à peine 20% des Maliens participent régulièrement aux élections.…
Reconstruction de la mémoire, échange et dialogue: De l’esclavage, la colonisation, le néo-colonialism à la renaissance de l’Afrique?
Le programme 2012 intitulé « reconstitution de la mémoire, échange et dialogue » de la fondation AfricAvenir International à Douala se poursuit ! Le public de Douala est massivement invité à la série d’événements (Films, expositions, lectures publiques, contes, conférences-débats et causeries) sur l’esclavage, la colonisation, le néo-colonialisme et la Renaissance de l’Afrique organisée dans le cadre…
In Cooperation with Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa): „prêt-à-partager“ 26 April – 8 July 2012 in Berlin and 3 May – 1. July 2012 in Stuttgart
The dual exhibition “prêt-à-partager”at the ifa Galleries Berlin and Stuttgart presents the results of numerous transnational and interdisciplinary artistic encounters on the African continent. After having travelled to seven venues across West and South Africa, the exhibition is now also presented in Germany by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations to show the interplay between…
African Perspectives: Namibian premiere of the film „L’Absence“ by Mama Keita on Sat. 28. April 2012, 19h00 at Studio 77
On Saturday, 28 April 2012 at 19h AfricAvenir Windhoek presents the Namibian premiere of the film "L’Absence" (2009, Guinea/France, OengST) directed by Mama KEÏTA at Studio 77. Part social commentary, part thriller, L’Absence is an atmospheric and contemporary sketch of Senegal that touches on issues of drugs, prostitution, corruption, brain drain, and, possibly, redemption. Filmmaker Mama Keita gives us a film that urgently races…
German Premiere: Toxi (OengU, 1952) by Robert Stemmle in the Framework of BE.BOP 2012. BLACK EUROPE BODY POLITICS at Hackesche Höfe Kino, Berlin, Sunday 6 May 2012, 17h
In the framework of BE.BOP 2012. BLACK EUROPE BODY POLITICS AfricAvenir and Art Labour Archives are screening the German post-war Founding Film (Gründungsfilm) “Toxi” (1952) by Robert A. Stemmle, on Sunday, 6 May 2012, 17h, at Hackesche Höfe Kino. The film tells the story of a five-year-old girl who suddenly appears on the doorstep of a well-to-do Hamburg family. The members…
In Cooperation: ARTension: Straigth forward with… Doug Fishbone! Screening von „Elmina“: West African Cinema of a Special Kind, SAVVY Contemporary, 30 April, 7 pm
On Monday, 30 April 2012 at 7 pm, Savvy Contemporary invites to "ARTension: Straight forward with… Doug Fishbone", a Screening of the Ghanaian film "Elmina" followed by a and discussion. AfricAvenir is a media partner of this event.nUnder false pretences, the local chief of Elmina wants to convince the resident farmers to sell their land to some…
In Kooperation: Lesung und Diskussion mit Helon Habila: „Öl auf Wasser“ am MI, 16. Mai 2012, 18:30 Uhr
Im Rahmen des Afrikakolloquiums laden das Seminar für Afrikawissenschaft in Kooperation mit AfricAvenir am Mittwoch, den 16. Mai um 18:30 Uhr zu einer Lesung und Diskussion mit Helon Habila (Nigeria) ein. Helon Habila liest aus seinem neuen Roman, der nun in deutscher Übersetzung beim Verlag Wunderhorn erschienen ist. Port Harcourt, Nigeria, im Delta des Niger. Die britische Ehefrau eines hochrangigen Mitarbeiters einer ausländischen…
In Cooperation: ARTension: Straight forward with… Koyo Kouoh (Founder and artistic director of RAW MATERIAL COMPANY), SAVVY Contemporary, 25th of April 2012, 7pm
On Wednesday, 25 April 2012 at 7 pm SAVVY Contemporary invites to ARTension: Straight forward with… Koyo Kouoh (Founder and artistic director of RAW MATERIAL COMPANY) under the title "Mediations of the Self – African contemporary in transformation".With an introduction and moderation by Roger Martin Buergel (Artistic Director of documenta 12 and Busan Biennial 2012). AfricAvenir is a media partner…