AfricAvenir at BUKO 35: « High time for things to change… African Perspectives on the Energy Transition », SA, 11.05.2013, 12-13.30h, Munich, Eine Welt Haus
In the framework of BUKO 35 in Munich, AfricAvenir on Saturday, 11 May 2013 from 12h00-13h30 is organising a workshop with Dr. Mostafa El Jamea, senior expert for climate change and renewable energy at GPEC (Greater Phoenix Economic Council) on "High time for things to change… African Perspectives on the Energy Transition".n
nThe event takes place in cooperation with AK Panafrikanismus.nThe project "Paradoxes of Sustainability" is financially supported by BMZ (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) and LEZ (Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit).nWhole BUKO 35 programm: