AfryKamera 2014: Call for entries

As a partner to the festival, AfricAvenir is proud to share the following:

To Whom It May Concern,
We have currently opened our call for entries for the IX edition of the AfryKamera African Film Festival in Warsaw, Poland. Afry Kamera: African Film Festival in Poland ( is the first such festival in the region of Eastern Europe dedicated to African film and African diaspora film in general.

The IX AfryKamera African Film Festival is set to take place in Warsaw from the 9th to the 13th April 2014. It will be organized jointly by two NGOs from Poland: Filmgramm Foundation and the Foundation for Somalia.

Applications to the festival can be entered via internet (via an appropriate viewable link like ClickForFestivals, Festhome, Vimeo, Cinando, Festivalscope) or by sending a preview DVD/BLURAY to the below address. All physical preview copies (DVD/Bluray) should be sent to the below address:

02-427 Warsaw

Main screenings will take place in the independent art cinema in Warsaw: Kino Luna (300+ seats), located in the city centre. Select movies will be screened in smaller cinemas across the country (up to 6 towns). The 2014 programme of the festivals plans to present a special focus on Nigeria. The main theme for 2014 is: African World Class.

If you are interested in submitting your movie to AfryKamera, please see attachments or contact lp.aremakyrfa@noitceles for further details.

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