My Right Is Your Right!-campaign starts mobilization

Large demonstration on 21.03.2015 for the International Day Against Racism in BerlinnPress release 24.02.2015nPress Conference for the Campaign and Demonstration, Wednesday, 18.03.2015 at 11:00am at Studio Я of the Maxim Gorki Theater.nThe campaign My Right Is Your Right! invites you on Saturday, 21.03.2015 at 1:00 pm to a large demonstration at Spreewaldplatz in Berlin in coordination with the International Day Against Racism.nFor more than two years now refugees and supporters in Berlin have been publicly and visibly fighting against the institutional racism in Germany and Europe, to which so many people are permanently subject in their daily lives. The acute and concrete demands of therefugees are the complete abolition of the Residenzpflicht, a stop to placing people in the Lagers as well as all deportations, and a right to remain, education, work possibilities and to live where one wishes—thus an end to the politically supported isolation of refugees. The campaign as well as the demonstration are directed against these racist practices and will bring the long-term demands of the refugees further into the public realm.nMy Right Is Your Right! is a campaign comprised of refugees, creative artists, activists, lawyers, church officials, unionists, clubs and neighborhood initiatives that have now joined together to form a network. What connects us all is the wish for a stronger political intervention in Berliner refugee policies. We are opening the doors of theaters and other public places for the request for more just policies with regards to refugees. Our demands are not new, rather they are the ones refugees in Germany have already been demanding for decades. For us, this is neither about charity or humanitarian aid. We are not only demanding changes from policy makers, but we want to fight daily racism and exclusion. Our goal is to establish a long-term infrastructure that deals with and works against forms of daily and structural racism. Hence the campaign offers an exchange of a variety of projects and offers: work, education, sleeping places, language courses and donations as well as performances and actions.nThe starting points of our campaign are the self-organized protests of refugees in the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule (GHS) and from Oranienplatz. Last Friday the residents of the GHS were informed of threats of a renewed eviction that would take place on 19.03.2015 – all of this despite an agreement with the district offices in July of 2014. This agreement promised that one part of the school would be converted into the self-organized International Refugee Center and that the other side would continue to remain living-spaces for the current residents. We are rising up for the right to equal rights for all people. On that note: Your Right Is My Right! My Right Is Your Right!nPress contact:
Refugee Office, Waldemarstr. 46, 10999 Berlin

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