Namibian film premiere of “Rwagasore. Life, Struggle, and Hope” by Justine Bitagaye and Pascal Capitolin, Burundi 2012, Saturday, 27 July 2013, 7 p.m. at Goethe Centre Windhoek

On Saturday, 27 July 2013 at 7 pm AfricAvenir Windhoek and the Goethe-Centre Windhoek present the Namibian film premiere ofRwagasore – Life, Struggle, and Hope” by Justine Bitagaye and Pascal Capitolin, Burundi 2012, 67 min. 2012 Burundi celebrated 50 years of Independence. One man, an emblematic figure of the anti-colonial struggle is directly linked to this Independence: Prince Louis Rwagasore, son of King Mwambutsa IV Bangiricenge. In the short span of his political life, he manages to gather a crowd of militants in support of his vision: to cast of the colonial yoke.nIn 1961, at the first free election, his party is victorious and he becomes Prime Minister. And then, after but a few days after the formation of his government, he is assassinated on October 13th 1961. On July 1st 1962 Burundi gets its Independence in the absence of the one who gave his life and soul to reach that grand day.nThe filmmakers about their film: n“The documentary is based on what immediate witnesses could tell us and on historical sources. While Rwagasore is well known as the hero of the independence, little in fact is known about his life and what his vision truly was. This film opens a window to his life and political struggle. It shows us the illustrious man behind the myth and justifies the interpretation of the apparent defeat of his death as a living hope for Burundi, now and tomorrow.”nSee the official website: Sat. 27 July 2013
Time: 7 p.m.
Entrance: 30,- N$
Venue: Goethe-Centre, AuditoriumnThe film series African Perspectives is supported by the FNB Foundation, the Finnish Embassy, Franco Namibian Cultural Centre, the Goethe-Centre Windhoek, and WhatsOnWindhoek.n© Copyright AfricAvenir 2013

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