Photography presentation by Muhammed Lamin Jadama on monday 12th october at free university main building from 16-18h. Freie Universität, Habelschwerdter Allee 45.

The exhibition is about the current situation of Refugees in Berlin and their circumstances since Oranien Platz was first occupied in the fall of 2012.nI use Photography to make visible the unbearable situation of refugees and immigrants and their struggle in daily life.nHighly educated people are stuck in transition and their potential to contribute to society is unexploited. Instead we are excluded and left alone. Above all, i wanted to change some of the basic misunderstandings and misconceptions about how society perceives refugees and immigrants.nFurther information about the photographers work: presentation will be on monday 12th october at free university main building, from 16:00h to 18:00h.nAdress: Freie Universität zu Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45.

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