„(Post-)colonialism between Cameroon and Germany. Science, Knowledge and Justice” on September 19-20 2011, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main

AfricAvenir presents together with Deutschland Postkolonial and the Cluster of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders” the international conference „(Post-)colonialism between Cameroon and Germany. Science, Knowledge and Justice” on September 19 and 20 2011 at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main.

Can „critique of history“ (Soyinka) be achieved as a premise for justice and reconciliation without taking account of former colonies’ historiography? And how can dialogue between equal partners truly take place and „fig-leaf-rhetoric“ be avoided?

The conference aims to discuss these questions with scholars of the field who engage with German colonial history in Cameroon. The ultimate goal of the conference is to start a process which will, with regard to Cameroon at first, explore possibilities for bringing different systems of knowledge into dialogue, for identifying and overcoming structural inequalities and for setting the preconditions for mutual recognition.

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