Press Release: AfricAvenir presents films from the Namibian Movie Collection at the 7th edition of DISCOP AFRICA, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa, 31.10.-02.11.2012

In November 2009, AfricAvenir, in cooperation with Joe-Vision Production and the Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre (FNCC) launched a joint project called “Namibian Movie Collection” (NMC), which was placed at the Multimedia Library of the FNCC and at several libraries, including at the AfricAvenir section in Berlin. The collection currently consists of almost 50 Namibian films. nFor a broader dissemination and exposure of Namibian film work and in order to assist Namibians to tell their story through the medium of film, the NMC is part of a wider project to promote and develop Namibian film productions. AfricAvenir will present ten films from the Namibian Movie Collection at the 7th edition of DISCOP AFRICA, introducing Namibian films to international sellers and buyers of TV content.  Launched in 2008, DISCOP AFRICA is a pan-African industry gathering dedicated to the production and distribution of multiscreen television content. It combines a market, a co-production forum and a conference program offering opportunities to buy and sell television content, initiate partnerships, access valuable information, connect with key players and learn from experts. The 7th edition of DISCOP AFRICA will take place in Johannesburg, from 31 October to 2 November. See more for details: nAmongst the films to be viewed and purchased are the documentaries “The Power Stone”, “Born in Etosha Part I & II”, “Testimonies – Breaking the Walls of Silence”, “Nda Mona – I have Seen”, “Wanahepo – The return of a Namibian Here”, and the two striking short films “Rider Without a Horse” and “Love Is”. nAll the films presented at DISCOP are to be purchased and are available for TV channels, distribution companies and film festivals.nTo discover the whole catalogue, visit nFor more details contact

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