Windhoek Premiere – « My Father’s Son », a Joel Haikali film, 28 October 2010, 20h at NTN

On Thursday, 28 October 2010 at 20h, Joe Vision production and the Namibia Film Commission proudly present “My Father’s Son” by Joel Haikali. In a comic way “My father’s son” negotiates the sometimes absurd relations between urban worlds of modern Africa and its traditional roots. Venue: NTN. For tickets contact NTN box office 234633.

In partnership with the NTN, AfricAvenir and the Franco Namibia Cultural Centre.nMy Father’s Son
By Joel Haikali, 2010, Namibia, 82 min, (English, Oshiwambo and Afrikaans) with Engl. Subtitles

For tickets contact NTN box office 234633

What: Movie Premier of “My Father’s Son”, concert of the Acoustic Formula band
Date: 28. October 2010
Time:  19h00 for 20h00
Venue: NTN
Entrance: N$50 ADV & N$60 at the door

About the film
With Namflava and lots of humour the film tells the story of 2 brothers, one in the village as a cattle herder and the other living Windhoek city life. When the city brother returns to the village after 21 years with his ‘colored’ wife to ‘free’ his brother from ‘backward life’, he did not expect the resistance and conflicts, which force him to confront his own stereotypes and cultural identity. In a comic way “My father’s son” negotiates the sometimes absurd relations between urban worlds of modern Africa and its traditional roots.

About the director:
With ambition, passion, determination and skill Joel Haikali secured his place at the forefront of Namibia’s film industry. Since his humble beginnings 10 years ago, Haikali has directed, written and produced several short films, music videos and now presents his first feature film production My Father’s Son. He is the co-founder of Joe Vision Production cc and his writing & directing credits include: The world of Today, Cul de Sac and the award winning short film Differences, with which he was invited to the Berlinale Talent Campus 2009. In 2007 Haikali acted along renowned actors Danny Glover and Carl Lumbley in the award winning feature Namibia the Struggle for Liberation directed by Charles Burnett.

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