Inspiring Young Imaginations: Once Upon A Time in Africa – Timbuktu, 20 minutes, Saturday, 07 June 2014 at 10 am, FNCC

After the successful launch of the monthly film series "Inspiring Young Imaginations – African Films for Children and Youth", AfricAvenir and the FNCC have formed a partnership with “I am the Key” Kids TV Show and will present the next films as a trio. The next film will be: Once Upon A Time in Africa – Timbuktu, 20 minutes, 7-13 years. English spoken.

On Saturday, 07 June 2014 at 10 am AfricAvenir, FNCC, and I am the Key present the screening of "Once Upon A Time in Africa. Timbuktu" in the cinema of the FNCC, 118 Robert Mugabe Ave, Windhoek, Namibia.   Entrance: 5 N$.

4 kids travel back in time to fulfil a secret mission in the ancient city of Timbuktu.
Once Upon A Time in Africa is an animated educational show that takes its viewers on an exciting journey through African history before colonization. The show follows the adventures of four bright kids from the four corners of the continent (Chep from Kenya, Thandi from South Africa, Dudu from Senegal, and Omar from Egypt) as they travel back in time to fulfill a secret mission: revive the fading knowledge of Africa’s ancient past by experiencing the continents’ major historical events, colorful cultures and sophisticated civilizations. In this first episode the kids travel to the ancient city of Timbuktu.n


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AfricAvenir & FNCC form partnership with I am the Key TV Show
“I am the Key” TV Show is an early Childhood developmental vehicle which effectively uses television as an educational tool to educate, inform and promote the participation of children in the shaping and socio-development of their country Namibia. nTargeting children under the age of 15 years, this weekly interactive show is created with a profound and enduring appeal to young children, and to make a positive effect on them as they grow and develops, thus suitable for the whole family as well. I am the key show also aims to instill a sense of national pride in children, advocate for children rights and responsibilities, financial literacy and safety education, environment awareness and children campaigns, tolerance of diversity, and nonaggressive ways of resolving conflict which is depicted through interpersonal disputes among communities.n“I am the Key” TV Show airs every Friday at 15h00 and repeated Saturdays at 07h00 on NBC 1 TV. During the “I am the Key” TV Show, children will be able to win tickets to the AfricAvenir/FNCC African Film Series screenings. After attending the screenings at the FNCC cinema, the films will then be discussed among the kids in the following week on the TV show “I am the Key”.

For more information, please visit and or contact moc.liamelgoog@khw.rinevacirfa
© Copyright AfricAvenir 2014


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