Screen Africa: Adeyemi Michael’s Sodiq premieres in Namibia on 13 August

The Namibian premiere of Sodiq – brought to you by AfricAvenir and the Franco Namibian Cultural Centre (FNCC) – takes place next Wednesday, 13 August 2014, 18h30, at the FNCC.

Directed by Adeyemi Michael, the 60 minute documentary Sodiq, tells the story of Sodiq Adeojo and Sylvester Akpalara, an aspiring doctor and athlete respectively. However life didn’t unfold the way these individuals had hoped: Sodiq later murdered Sylvester and was sentenced to thirty years in prison, where he now spends his days.

The film poses the question: How does a young aspiring doctor find himself on trial for murder…?

The purpose of Sodiq, the documentary, produced by the UK National Film and Television School, is to discover what the turning point was in Sodiq’s life and how this is microcosm of wider societal issues in Britain today.nScreen Africa


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