Videointerview with Dr. Ibrahima Hathie: “Is the current consensus on the post-2015 agenda favourable to Africa?”

In this interview, Dr. Ibrahima Hathie presents what the post-2015 development agenda and the suggestions recently presented by the intergovernmental Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (OWG) mean for African countries. He points to how crucial the Common African Position on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (CAP) is in this respect. In addition, he analyses and clarifies the grounds for the discrepancies between the claims of the civil society groups who took part in the process and the official “Common African Position” resulting from the negotiations.n


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Dr. Ibrahima Hathie is a renowned Senegalese development economist and member of the Southern Voice’s Steering Committee, a think tank network in the global South.

The dialogue forum “Is the current consensus on the post-2015 agenda favourable to Africa?” with Ibrahima Hathie took place as part of the project “African Perspectives on Global Challenges in the Context of the Post-2015 Agenda Process” which is implemented by AfricAvenir International e.V. in 2014/2015.

For more information on the project please click here.

With the kind support of the Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (LEZ) and Engagement Global.


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